Chapter 10. Merry Christmas 2020

Things to be thankful for 

As we hurtle knees first into Christmas and the end of a ghastly year, I thought I would reflect on a few things that have kept me sane whilst isolating in the countryside for the last 10 months.

First off, I am extremely grateful for my health. SO many people this year have been genuinely scared for themselves and loved ones who have been exposed to COVID 19. I can’t imagine the heartbreak felt by so many, the loved ones lost, the goodbyes never said. I am really humbled by this and feel the importance of honouring our lost friends and family, particularly in keeping up responsible behaviours, being a good citizen and doing our bit for the good of society and putting the health of others before our own needs. 

A special debt of gratitude goes to all the men and women who work tirelessly in the NHS and other health services around the world. We have seen how valuable they are and how lucky we are to have people in the world whose mission is to help others. We should all be learning from this.

Of course it helps to be able to look around and see lovely things to be grateful for. These things don’t have to be material possessions, or products of privilege. I’m thankful for friendships, for people who pick up when I call or pick up to call me. I’m thankful for my three girlfriends in Australia who messenger-chat with me every day; they are a lifeline and I am so lucky. We are old friends from school and have been so for nearly 45 years.

Photo Courtesy of Melissa Askew - Unsplash

Photo Courtesy of Melissa Askew - Unsplash

I’m grateful for clean air and sunshine, plentiful water and a fertile earth. We grow flowers and trees up here in the country, and in this last 18 months I have planted 50 new trees in my top field. I have nurtured them and enjoyed watching them establish. Next year, I will plant 25 more, and the year after another 25. 100 new trees in the world can only be a good thing.

New Cherry Trees in the top field.

New Cherry Trees in the top field.

Keeping me company through this have been my pussie-cats, a bonkers Burmese and a sweet gentle giant Maine Coon. They’re a handful of crazy energy together and they follow me everywhere. They particularly love supervising me in the field whilst I tend the new trees, returning to have cuddles on the sofa in the evening or snuggling up together in their bed.


I’m grateful that I have used the lockdown time to focus more on my health and fitness. This has been great for my mood which has been low since I lost my parents a couple of years ago. I have more or less given up drinking wine, and have been running and swimming again. I also add the odd HIIT into the routine and I am grateful for Strava and Noom for helping me on this healthier journey. I know I’m never going to look like an underwear model, but If I can just remain able to put my socks on as I get older, that’s enough I recon. 


One other thing I have done this year is rekindle my love of reading. I don’t think I have ever read so many books in a year as I have done this year. I have tackled classics, read non fiction and history, some trashy Sidney Sheldons and a bit of Horror.  I have a collection of lovely books that belonged to my father and I have been really enjoying reading through them.


I’m grateful the world is waking up to the fact that Black Lives Matter. There’s still a long road to walk here, but I will walk it, hand in hand with people of all colours and faiths, for as long as it takes to help stamp out racism and make the word fair for everyone.

Image courtesy of Etienne Godiard - Unsplash

Image courtesy of Etienne Godiard - Unsplash

Lastly, I am grateful for my Yarns and for my lovely therapeutic craft. I’m grateful for all the inspiration I see around the world from the most amazing designers, makers, colourists and artisans.


I realise I have been a bit absent from the game for the last 12 months, just dealing with things in my own little way, but it’s great to be back in the studio, dyeing yarns again. It’s something I love doing and creating fun, sumptuous colourways using quality yarns has been the heart and soul of the business.

Thanks for supporting me and I wish everyone a safe healthy and Happy Christmas.

And here’s to a better life in 2021.

Much love, 

Eddie Knitster.

edward jardine