Chapter 6. Works in Progress, Part 2

21 + Works in Progress Part 2

Someone asked me on my comments page for part 1 of this Blog post, “does just having the yarn, the needles and the best intention to begin a project, constitute a WIP?”

I think this is a very good question and my feeling is that if you have committed time and resource to something, even though you haven’t begun actually making it, then it is a work in progress. You went and bought the yarn right? You’ve read the pattern? Yep. IT’S A WIP! SING OUT LOUD, SING OUT STRONG.

Another comment about my last post was that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my gluttonous stash of WIPs. Well, really I am not, and since I love to make things and I have the attention span of a small child in a sweet shop, it is necessary to have a glut of WIP’s to keep my wandering mind occupied.

So, I now don’t feel bad about admitting that 

the WIP count has grown from 21 to 38!

Lets have a look at what I’ve found at the bottom of the WIP pile and see if they’re worth continuing with, or if it’s time for them to go.


16. Stripey Cushion covers

I started a set of striped cushions after a dear friend sent me some cotton yarns for my birthday. I was surprised how much I like making these simple stripes and how much they liven up the kitchen seats. I have made three of them now and this is the fourth. Truth is, this is the reason most of my other projects get derailed. 



Yarn:                    Cotton by Rowan

Needle size:       4mm

Commenced:     A few weeks ago. This is my evening knitting project, whilst I watch QI, Star Trek and sometimes a sneaky bit of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

% complete:       I’m about 75% through this now, usually this is the hump.

WIP because:    It’s an active project and I’m working on finishing this one. Although I don’t have any cushion pads at this size because John Lewis don’t sell them at my local outlet and I’m a bit reluctant to get someone to deliver me one £8.00 cushion pad. It can wait until I’m back in London.

17. C2C Scarf

I unraveled something else for this. It was a hideous entrelac scarf in a roving Noro and I made it on holiday in Vietnam. (I like to knit on airplanes, because I’m a nervous flyer. It stops me taking pills and drinking to calm my nerves).  This work is much lovelier. And I made it in a day. I was obviously avoiding doing something important, like my taxes or dyeing yarns for my store (please visit and buy some yarn!)



Yarn:                    Noro in some strange earthy tones.

Needle size:       5mm crochet hook.

Commenced:     I made this in a day.

% complete:       Nearly there, slight miscalculation with the yarn quantity. I didn’t measure anything and I just made it up so ….

WIP because:    I have to go and find some more Noro from somewhere. I’m also thinking of adding long tassles, so I can flick them at people, as if I had long hair.

 18. Mittens

Who wears Mittens? I used to love them when I was a child and I haven’t had a pair since then. I also wanted to showcase some of my yarns with a small project. This is a combination of Nicola and Sotto Voce. Please click on these and have a look at these lovely colours in the store. Better still, feel free to buy some today!

Fun fact: Nicola is named after Nicola Roberts from Girls Aloud who has the most beautiful titan coloured hair.



Yarn:                    Madrigal Yarns “Nicola” and “Sotto Voce

Needle size:       4 x 4mm Double pointed needles 

Commenced:     Sometime in June this year, Also put down within the same week

% complete:       Probably half way through the first mitten. Like socks, annoyingly I have to also make a second one, thereby having to go over the hump twice.

WIP because:    Another one I just completely forgot about because the cats confused me and I was all of a sudden running around the house with a feather and a squeaky mouse.

 19. Houndstooth double sided knitting scarf

I began this on a road trip around New Zealand with my Partner and my Dad several years ago and then ran out of yarn. It really was just a technical study in how well my yarns could pattern up against each other, say, intarsia style or fair isle. Because the yarns are hand painted and variegated, the pattern doesn’t appear as crisp, however I think it gives it a lovely shimmer. And believe me, I’m ALL about the shimmer.



 Yarn:                    Madrigal Yarns Papeette, and a dark grey mix that never made it to production.

Needle size:       4.5mm 

Commenced:     I think it was around 2015, it was one of the first things I made with my hand dyed yarns.

% complete:       Until the yarn runs out. There ain’t no more.

WIP because:    I’d love to say something like the dog ate my homework or some other excuse, but I think the real reason is that double sided knitting is so time consuming and tricky. The level of concentration is “ninja”.

20. Martin Storey’s Deep Aran Cowl

Anyone who has knitted cables knows it’s a long and slow journey, but totally worth it for the beauty and snuggliness of a cabled garment. This is only one of a few patterns I’m following at the moment, because I really wanted to show off the character of the yarn and the colours. Kingsley is a very shimmery silver grey with specks of pink and mauve. It’s very feminine and pretty and I think it’s the shizzle.



Yarn:                    Madrigal Yarns “Kingsley

Needle size:       5mm circular 40mm length, knit in the round

Commenced:     I have been at this for ages. I think I began it in March and I just struggle remembering the cables and whether I bring the yarn to the front or the back , then I realize I’ve made a mistake and have to knit back a few rows. The struggle is real man.

% complete:       If I was confident at my abilities to remember the pattern I’d say about 65%. If I’m lucky  its probably more like 40%.

WIP because:    I had to go to the dentist, because I thought I had cracked a tooth, then every morning for the next 4 weeks I couldn’t actually bite down. I think that’s as good a reason as any I can think of. 

21. Yellow Striped thing

I just love yellow. Sorry, call me big bird. My first car was a bright yellow Toyota Corolla and I loved it. A couple of years ago, I had made this amazing striped scarf which, after getting half way through it, I realised was way too big and heavy, so I undid it all and repurposed the yarn into this.  Of course I did this all while on holiday in France and turned the apartment into an asylum. 



Yarn:                    DK by Rowan

Needle size:       4mm

Commenced:     Sometime in 2014, In France, probably in the back of a car after a few too many glasses of Rose and too much smelly cheese.

% complete:       Would someone help me with this because I haven’t the foggiest.

WIP because:    Well it’s rather a silly thing looking at the amount of work it would take to say, make a scarf out if it. But I think the idea is pretty cool, so maybe one day I’ll get a flurry of enthusiasm and it’ll be on the catwalks later in the year. Bahaha.

 22. Triangular roaming shawl

Another project begun in France, I purchased this yarn from the rather delightful yarn shop across the road from my apartment.  The owner of the store is a delightful lady called Emma and she’s my new knitting buddy when I visit.  I hope I have this finished before I’m back there later in the year.


 Yarn:                    NO idea, I lost the lable, It’s a large ball of roving colourway, and it actually came with a pattern which I have also lost.

Needle size:       5mm circular needle

Commenced:     Mid 2018 and I really went for this one, because it’s such a lovely light yarn. It’s just that the ball goes ON and ON and ON and never seems to get any smaller. I call this my Willy Wonker Never Ending Yarn Yobbler ™.

% complete:       It feels like 50% but is probably 20%

WIP because:    I like to do this in the car on long journeys because its so light and easy and it’s just 4 rows of stocking stitch in reversed bands. Pretty sinchy.


23. My Grief Blanket

This is a bit of a personal one. I lost my dad at the beginning of last year, and it was immensely traumatic. Part of my healing was to make myself a blanket in the months afterwards, which helped me channel my grieving into something positive. No-one told me I should do it, I just thought I needed to.

The colours are every colour in DK I could get my hands on, to represent to myself that I was allowed to feel any way I needed to. I only have two more colours to finish it, but i’m not quite there yet. There are some naggling things to resolve, then it’s done and I’ll be moving right along.



Yarn:                    DK by Morris and Sons, Sydney

Needle size:       5mm crochet hook

Commenced:     March 2018

% complete:       95%. Then we shall see where it goes. I love it, but also don’t want to wrap myself in it too often.

WIP because:    Unresolved feelings. It takes a long time to put yourself back together after losing your parents. The world is suddenly bigger and it takes work to not end up bitter and sad. I really think making this blanket helped me look after myself during the months after his passing. Now I look at it and think, “I’ll be OK soon Dad, soon.”

24. Hexagon granny blanket

OK, so this one is practically finished and I’m only adding it on here because I wanted to show it off, and because it’s a testament to the using up of old scraps. This is made ENTIRELY from old bits and crumbs at the bottom of the lasagna box. I’m sure many of you are raising an eyebrow and saying, “yeah and it looks like it”. But isn’t a granny blanket all about that? I wouldn’t know, I never had a granny. And at least it’s not made from bits of old grannies. But, it’s fun and the pussies LOVE it.


Yarn:                    DK mostly Patons

Needle size:       5mm crochet hook

Commenced:     I actually made the hexagons about 5 years ago, before I even begun dyeing yarns, and only sewed it up last week. I still have to finish the trim edge….

% complete:       99%. I’m saving the last bit to make, kind of the way you save an easter egg…

WIP because:    I had put these hexagons in a Muji box years ago and forgotten about them, and I don’t think I ever intended doing anything with them. But I’m really glad I did because it really brightens up my studio and provides a little spot for a pussy nap in the corner.

25. Striped scarf with roving yarn

This is another oldie but a goodie, and has also had a few iterations. There are two different yarns here, one is a wool acrylic (ergh) blend, (good sock yarn) I think the yarn also came from France, and it has a weird home spun feeling about it. This was the first roving yarn I ever used.  I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with the patten here, there must have been some logic to it, but it escapes me now, like the time I invented Quantum Physics.

Yarn:                    Absolutely no idea. It’s French so Imma going with the mystery.

Needle size:       4mm

Commenced:     Sometime when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth. Well, OK that’s a bit far fetched, but it was definitely in a time before the internet.

% complete:       I think this one is, and should be, nearly finished. I’ll make a big reveal of it sometime this winter and everyone will go “mmm what did you come as”?  Bitches

WIP because:    It’s a small needle and Ive never really been sure it’s to my liking. Each time I come back to it and do a bit more I get distracted by something I like doing just a bit more. Like Ironing, or changing the cat litter.

26. Log Cabin Blanket no. 2

From the same Log Cabin madness from before (Mason Dixon Knitting book by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne), I thought, If I’m making one thing that I’m lukewarm about, why not make two of them?  And this one, made in colours I’m not sure even go together terribly well. I wish I’d done it in blue, and I was also hoping by making this it would deliver me a lumberjack of my very own to keep..


 Yarn:                    Rowan DK

Needle size:       4mm 120cm long circular

Commenced:     I think this was another project I started when I should have been doing something else, like finishing my other 21 plus projects in my WIP basket. Maybe around 2014.

% complete:       Probably only about 30%. 

WIP because:    Like the other blanket, working this involves huge areas of block colour and because I cant begin a row without knowing I have the time to finish it, I get put off by it.


27. Another strange plus design thing

I must have really thought I was going somewhere with this pattern. I actually think this one involves getting the right amount of yarn for each little cross, then putting them all in a big bag and randomly pulling out the next colour to be used at the right time. I cant understand what else it could have been, and whether I was on the right medication at the time. Theres even a strange ribbed cuff in navy. Just because, I guess.

 Yarn:                    Various DK

Needle size:       4.5mm 

Commenced:     I don’t recall even making this.

% complete:       Absolutely no idea. I’m thinking I may just bind this off as a keepsake warning against the dangers of unplanned parenthood.

WIP because:    There are too many reasons and all of them frighten me. Where’s the gin?

28. Intarsic two toned green scarf

I don’t even know if Intarsic is a word. 

This is the loveliest yarn, from Uruguay. It’s lovely and soft and the colours are gorgeous. I started this in Sydney a couple of years ago and it something I just pick up from time to time. It makes me happy and I’m not really in a hurry to finish it. It was really just a way to colour swatch these two lovely yarns. 

 Yarn:                    Manos Del Uruguay DK

Needle size:       6mm 

Commenced:     Around 2017

% complete:       Probably around 80%. I’ll make it until the yarn runs out.

WIP because:    This is another one of those projects that have several iterations. I like to make thise things up as I go along, and if a better idea strikes me, I’ll unravel it, no matter how far along I get. So I could actually get to the end and completely start again.

29. Bed Blanket

OOH heres an oldie but a goodie and a perfect example of the dizzy limit of procrastination.

This blanket actually lives on my bed and /or sofa and has done so for years. I begun this with yarn and a pattern I bought from Spotlight in Melbourne back in 2000. I think I did it because I was so excited I found 100% natural wool in Spotlight and not some creepy acrylic/polyester blend. The blanket is made of 3 panels. I have made 2.5 of them now. 


Yarn:                    Hmmm, I think it’s Clickheaton, or something like that. Definitely DK weight.

Needle size:       4.5mm 

Commenced:     Around 2000

% complete:       It would be around 85% I’d say.

WIP because:    I actually don’t think I should have been allowed to start anything until this was actually finished. The problem is, is that the two panels are quite good as a throw. And now, when I add the third, the wear and tear on the wool will show up against the new panel like faded memories and the passing of time…. Once I heard someone call this Palimpsest. Then I punched them.

30. Green Striped thing

Another Mystery knit. I think this was meant to be a scarf. I got the yarn from a really lovely yarn store in Brugges, Belgium, and got a bit carried away. Another green scarf?  No, I couldn’t possibly.


 Yarn:                    No Idea. Even if I had kept the ball lables, there is no way I would be able to identify it. It’s something in between sock and DK, some strange European thing no doubt. I like it.

Needle size:       3.5mm 

Commenced:     2014

% complete:       10-20%  Probably not worth continuing hey? Or I would have finished it by now. Bhahahaha.

WIP because:    Another one of these projects on small needles. It clearly isn’t really my thing huh?


31. Drum toilet roll cover

This is something I love to make, Short and sharp, fun and it makes the small room so much more fun. I like to make little drums that slip over the spare roll. Brings a bit of music and life into the experience. The pattern is from The book “Toilet roll covers” by Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer. It makes me happy that these lovely people dedicated time and resources to writing these patterns. Thanks guys.


Yarn:                    Rowan DK. 

Needle size:       4mm 

Commenced:     Around 2017

% complete:       About 30%. I like this yellow and green. I was probably making this in honour of Australia Day. 

WIP because:    Not really sure, perhaps I was busy at work or distracted by a bee.

32. A collection of Tea Cosies

I started making these outrageous tea cosies several years ago, with feathers and birds and knitted fruit. I did finish one to give to a friend for Christmas. It was hilarious. And I know its sits on his dresser and is brought out for tea parties.  So I decided to make several more.


Yarn:                    Patons, Rowan. All DK

Needle size:       4.5mm 

Commenced:     Around 2014

% complete:       The actual cosies are made, and they’re reversible. A huge amount of work has gone into them. I need to just make the fruit and get more birds and feathers to decorate them with.

WIP because:    I kid you not, I honestly didn’t have room in my little flat to display them at the time. Well, I could have tried, but the room would have looked like the dressing room on RuPaul’s Drag race.


33. Striped fish toy

This is one that I’m making up as I go along. A few years ago I decided that I was going to write a pattern book about knitted fish. Well THAT went nowhere.


Yarn:                    It’s acrylic and I HATE Acrylic and polyester yarns.

Needle size:       3.5mm 

Commenced:     Around 2015

% complete:       I think I have to sew it up, stuff it then decorate it with some eyes and gills and stuff. Actually this could be quite fun to do.

WIP because:    I realized it was harder than I thought and I don’t like hard work.


34. Crochet place mats

This one probably has a whole season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta attached to it, and I made so many of them I don’t actually know where they all are. Currently one is being used to cover the AGA plate in the kitchen. But really they’re a bit pointless, though they are pretty


Yarn:                    DK patons and others.

Needle size:       4.5mm crochet hook.

Commenced:     Around 2017.

% complete:       I have a few more rounds on these to finish them off to the same size as the large ones, then they’ll probably be more useful as table mats.

WIP because:    I haven’t felt the urge.

35. Green Cable tube scarf

This one is kind of like the creepy squid tube you see at the fish markets, right? What IS IT?  A friend was over the other day and just loved it. It’s got this weird cable that sits awkwardly over the piece, like a macraméd pot holder.

Yarn:                    Rowan tweed I think. I know its fancy.

Needle size:       4mm 

Commenced:     Around 2017.

% complete:       I obviously was so convinced I’d finish it I have actually cut the yarn off and used it elsewhere. Jesus, I’m a strange man.

WIP because:    I was frightened it would come to life and kill me in my sleep.

36. Blue and green Cartridge Belt rib Scarf

I began this scarf whilst caring for my father in Hospital a few years ago. I was convinced I would never finish it, but he came out of hospital, so I put it down. It’s made from my earliest dyeing experiments and was really an experiment. Like the grief blanket, I will need to finish this to get some closure.


Yarn:                    Madrigal Yarns DK merino.

Needle size:       4.5mm 

Commenced:     September 2017.

% complete:       There’s quite a way to go with this. It’s probably about 70%.

WIP because:    I did some test dye runs with yarns of a slightly greater Micron count, so they weren’t as soft. SO it’s not as nice to work with as my yarns are now. Also, I might need a tutorial how to do this stitch again. You can get it here

37. Coloured Cowl

This one I’m making as a surprise gift for someone. SO I cant tell much more, however I am using Madrigal yarns colours Shamrock, Purplexia, Emeralds and Santorini.

This is one of my own patterns and you can download it for free here


Yarn:                    Madrigal Yarns DK. Please look at the yarns tabs and buy some today!

Needle size:       5.5mm circular

Commenced:     Last week!

% complete:       About 20%.

WIP because:    This one will be finished in a few days, I have promised someone, so I can’t let them down!

38. Opus the Octopus

I’ve intentionally saved Opus to last, just to see how many people managed to stay awake this far.

I got this pattern off the interweb, and after I had decided to make it, I wanted then to have knitted octopuses everywhere around me.  I begun it in Sydney and nearly finished it there as well. But I have dragged poor old Opus far and wide around the world, and he is still a few tentacles down. 

Yarn:                    Manos Del Uruguay

Needle size:       4mm 

Commenced:     Around 2016.

% complete:       About 70%.

WIP because:    I wanted this as my shop mascot. Then I thought I would turn it into a chandelier, and knit a baby and have the octopus eating the baby. Then I had to go and see my therapist.



So That’s it then! Jeepers, in the time it’s taken to write all this I actually could have finished some of these things. 




Epilogue or encore, May I present,

39. Her Majesty The Queen



This is part of the hilarious “Knit your own Royal Wedding” by Fiona Goble.

Before the wedding of Catherine Middleton to HRH Prince William this was the most sought after book on the Knitting circuit and had actually gone out of print. They released a second print just a few weeks before the big day, and I didn’t have the time to finish it all. Needless to say, Her Majesty wasn’t in blue, she wore yellow and now I look at her distrustfully.

Of course she’s supposed to look like this. 


What I plan to do though, is to make six of these, each in the pride colours. To make my pride decoration I shall hang the queen dollies off bunting in the studio. 

God Save the Queen.

And thanks for reading.

Eddie Knitster x

edward jardine